Volume 7, Number 2 (2021) Professional Agricultural Workers Journal (PAWJ)
Front Matter
An Evaluation of The Effectiveness of Project Impact: Multicultural Academic Program Success At Kansas State University
Zelia Z. Wiley and Lonnie Hobbs, Jr.
The Effect of A Fifty Percent Leaf Harvest From Three Varieties of Collards (Brassica Oleracea(L)/Cultivar Group Acephala) Cropped at Selected Intervals When Grown in A Wiregrass Tunnel House
Terrence Jackson, Raymon Shange, Mia Norris, Cassandra Searight, Michele S. Foo, Victor Khan, James E. Currington, Edward Sparks, Ramble Ankumah, Nathaniel Ellison, George X. Hunter, and Jeffery Moore
Assessing The Impact of Cluster Farming Initiatives on Small and Socially Disadvantaged Farmers, Ranchers, and Forestland Owners: A Case of The Southeastern Region of The United States
Lila Karki, Raymon Shange, Walter A. Hill, Conrad Bonsi, Henry English, Edoe Agbodjan, Melissa Stewart, Franklin Chukwuma, Dawn M. Patin, and Joshua Idassi
Yield Response of ‘Whatley-Loretan’ Sweetpotato (Ipomoea Batatas (L.)) Transplanted in Single And Double Row at Different Dates in A Wiregrass Tunnel House
Marquess James, Raymon Shange, Cassandra Searight, Victor Khan, James E. Currington, Ramble Ankumah, Michele S. Foo, Nathaniel Ellison, George X. Hunter, and Jeffery Moore
Sustainable Winter-Feeding Practices for Meat Goats Within The Southeastern United States
Nikisha Ryan, Nar Gurung, Jeremy Byrant, Frank Abrahamsen, and Wendell McElhenney
End Matter