To Authors
The Journal
The journal welcomes papers on different types of research, topics, and focal areas. The types of research include traditional, applied, and participatory research. Topics cover community and rural development, policy, program delivery and assistance, arts and culture, marketing and consumer preferences, innovation and new technologies, youth and education, natural resource conservation, health and nutrition, and faith-based issues. The focal areas include the Southern Black Belt, persistent poverty issues, small farm issues, sustainability, and international development issues. Two issues, spring and fall, are usually published in a year. However, the Spring Issue is restricted and papers are accepted by invitation only. The Fall Issue is opened to the greater community, and submissions will be accepted any time from June to October, depending on when the call for papers goes out.
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts should be prepared based on the submission guidelines and submitted online to Note: Authors should not create their own guidelines, for example, using their own citation or referencing style. All correspondence should be addressed to the technical editor or editors, Room 110, Henderson Hall, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL 36088 (Phone: 334-727-8813; Fax: 334-724-4451; ).