

A study was conducted to determine the effects of a 50% leaf harvest from ‘Heirloom’, ‘Georgia’, and ‘Hi-Crop Hybrid’ collards on yield, when leaves were removed at 18-, 21-, and 25- day intervals, over four harvest periods of 102, 127, 152, and 177 days after transplanting in a Wiregrass Tunnel House. The experimental design used was a split-split plot with three replications, where harvest periods were main plots, cropping intervals (3) were sub-plots, and varieties were sub-sub-plots. Yield data (lbs./acre) showed significant interactions between harvest periods x cropping intervals for leaf numbers and yield, harvest periods x varieties, and cropping intervals x varieties. The 18-day cropping interval had the highest yields over all harvest periods; while varieties responded differently for each harvest period, and cropping intervals. ‘Hi-Crop Hybrid’ had the highest yield over all harvest periods and cropping intervals, followed by ‘Georgia ‘and ‘Heirloom.’
