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Volume 9, Number 2 (2023) Professional Agricultural Workers Journal (PAWJ)
Front Matter
Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts of the Fall Armyworm and The Striga Weed at Three Stages of the Maize (Corn) Value Chains in Kenya: A Review
Phelix Omondi, Fredrick Aila, Benjamin Ombok, Nelson Obange, Matthew Dida, and Caleb Nindo
The Significance of Urban Gardening on the Household Economy: A Case of Minority Urban Gardeners
Lila B. Karki and Prem B. Bhandari
Leveraging International Experiential Learning Opportunities in Food And Agricultural Science Programs
Alberta N.A. Aryee, Nii Adjetey Tawiah, and Eunice Bonsi
Supplement Type Influenced the Performance and Resiliency Against Gastrointestinal Parasites of Nursing Lambs Raised in Woodlands
Santoshi Chaudhary, Uma Karki, Bhuwan Shrestha, Sadikshya Lamsal, and Lila B. Karki
Relationships Regarding Incentives, Recordkeeping Propensity, and Selected Factors of Small Producers in the Alabama Black Belt and Surrounding Counties
David Nii O. Tackie, Youssouf Diabate, Franklin Quarcoo, Nar Gurung, George Hunter, Pamela Madzima, Nora Gogo-Kumi, Mamnenge Gbim-Gbande, and Eunice K. Waweru
End Matter