The study assessed the relationships regarding incentives, recordkeeping propensity, and selected factors of small producers. The data were collected from a selected group of small producers and were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that a majority were part-time producers, males, Blacks, and older. They had below a four-year college education and an annual household income of less than $40,000. The correlation analyses revealed that farming status and recordkeeping propensity had statistically significant relationships with the incentives. Despite this, the relationships were negative for farming status and positive for recordkeeping propensity. The findings suggest that some demographic characteristics may have “important” relationships with incentives, though only farming status had a significant relationship. However, this could not be effectively ascertained as several producers did not respond to the questions. Moreover, incentives may have relationships with recordkeeping propensity, which has been established to an extent in this study.
Recommended Citation
Tackie, David Nii O.; Diabate, Youssouf; Quarcoo, Franklin; Gurung, Nar; Hunter, George; Madzima, Pamela; Gogo-Kumi, Nora; Gbim-Gbande, Mamnenge; and Waweru, Eunice K.
"Relationships Regarding Incentives, Recordkeeping Propensity, and Selected Factors of Small Producers in the Alabama Black Belt and Surrounding Counties,"
Professional Agricultural Workers Journal:
Vol. 9:
2, 6.
Available at: