

Pastured poultry is poultry rotationally raised on pasture, as opposed to large-scale confinement operations. There has been a growing demand for pastured poultry as a result of the adverse effects of the use of antibiotics in large-scale caged systems and pastured poultry’s attributable nutritional and economic benefits to consumers. As a result, an increasing number of small-scale farmers in Kentucky have begun raising birds both for personal consumption and for supplemental income, in conjunction with other farm enterprises. Poultry is the number one agricultural commodity in Kentucky. Thus, knowledge of how to establish small-scale pastured poultry operations as an alternate or complementary business in Kentucky can be beneficial to potential as well as existing farmers. Beginning producers can develop a plan of operation based on available resources by establishing a budget and nutritional plan, designing appropriate housing, and familiarizing themselves with local, state, and federal policies and regulations
