


Goat farming in the U.S. is based on grazing lands. Forages available for grazing throughout most of the year are essential for supplying required nutrition for goats and minimizing production costs. Most goat farmers do not have pastures productive for an extended period. This situation results in poor performing animals and high production costs. Forage availability can improve by enhancing the productivity, quality, and production duration of pastures. The inclusion of browse species in grazing systems will also improve diet variety, minimize internal parasite problems, and better utilize the soil resources. Grazing opportunity can be extended by developing a woodland grazing system. Farmers can consider establishing a silvopasture system after the first and second thinning of forests or plantations by growing suitable forages and/or combinations in spaces between trees. Such operations diversify farmers’ income opportunities and increase environmental quality and social acceptance of land resources.

Keywords: Year-Round Forage Production, Forage Production, Sustainable Goat Farming, Sustainable Farming, Grazing
