United States goat producers face many challenges with regards to marketing. Although the demand for goat products is increasing, the market is fractured. There is a general lack of infrastructure and many producers do not sell their animals or products for fair or profitable prices. Production costs are too high, and there is a need to improve production efficiency. Imports pose a challenge to US goat producers, as domestic production cannot compete with the availability and lower cost of imports. Government regulations hinder market development because non-commercial slaughter is an important aspect of goat marketing, and regulations keep many dairy goat producers from developing a commercial enterprise. In order for the US goat industry to expand and meet the growing demand for products, producers need to combine efficient production practices with profitable marketing strategies.
Keywords: Marketing, Marketing Strategies, Goat Meat Marketing, Dairy Marketing
Recommended Citation
Whitley, Niki and Schoenian, Susan
"Marketing Toward the Future,"
Professional Agricultural Workers Journal:
Vol. 6:
3, 11.
Available at:
Included in
Agricultural Economics Commons, Meat Science Commons, Other Animal Sciences Commons, Sheep and Goat Science Commons