


Feeds provide nutrients to animals. Feeds can be grains, crop by-products or forages. Forages can form the basis of feeds for goats in the southeastern US because year-round forage production is possible. Since goats are classified as browsers, the forage program should consist of browse and pasture. Managing browse species as feed resources is challenging, and there is limited information relative to managing browse species. Hay is the main forage feed for goats in the region and average quality hay can meet nutrient requirements for maintenance. However, nutrient requirements for late-pregnancy, lactation, and growing goats cannot be met with the average quality hay alone. There is a need for supplemental feeds when hay quality and quantity are inadequate. This situation arises during winter months and in late summer. Many supplemental feeds can be fed to goats such as grains, crop byproducts, commercial feed supplements or concentrates including salts and minerals.

Keywords: Nutritional Requirements, Nutrition, Forages, Classes of Meat Goats, Meat Goats
