


Pest management is achieved directly using a variety of tools, including pesticides, and indirectly through a number of agronomic/cultural practices such as irrigation and fertilizer application; collectively these practices function to positively effect general plant health. Healthier plants are more resistant to or tolerant of pests. This study explores the scale differences that impact the pest management significance and suitability of certain agronomic practices. Scale differences were discussed using literature-based information, direct field observations, and anecdotal information on the relative advantages of drip and sprinkler irrigation systems; organic and conventional cultivation of crops; crop rotation versus mono-cropping systems; precision agriculture, and land tenure effects on the suitability of agronomic practices. It was concluded that, sometimes, scale differences are critical enough to warrant completely different approaches to the achievement of goals of small- and large-scale producers.

Keywords: Economies of Scale, Integrated Pest Management, Agronomic Practices, Vegetable and Fruit Production, Small-Scale Farmers
