


Conflict in the newly formed South Sudan has had devastating effects on the nation’s food security. Many food security metrics overlook factors of agriculture, such as seasonality, access to agricultural inputs; or the effects of displacement of small farm holders due to conflict. In light of these complexities, constructs were adapted from Whole Measures for Community Food Systems (WMCFS), and evaluated for their appropriateness in articulating the food situation in Unity State, South Sudan. This study used a pilot study approach, triangulating publicly available, qualitative and quantitative datasets from the Famine Early Warning System Network, United Nations, Government of South Sudan, humanitarian workers, and social media. Data were coded for relevance to metrics using Atlas.ti software, and scored based on WMCFS. In all, the WMCFS pilot showed the promise of a participatory planning process to secure lasting community food security, and focus on long-term agricultural development rather than food aid.

Keywords: South Sudan, Community Food Security, Whole Measures, Agricultural Development
